Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas pics!

Connor points to the "baby in Aunt BB's belly"! I LOVE THIS PHOTO!

A Bun in the Oven

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

1973 and Little Bridget's arrival

My dad sent me these pictures from 1973 negatives that he saved from the flood in CP. Was just looking at them and amazed that I will soon be the mom in the photos. Love my parents in these pics! Love that they were taken at the same hospital I will be giving birth in as well! Enjoy browsing!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Visit to the "Big Tree" with Connor!

Been having a ton of fun hanging with Connor and Jeanette these past few days! (Missing Dan while he works hard up in MA with all of the snow that happened! But will see him today with Hugh at Aunt Jeanne's!) Played with some new toys that Connor got, Papa's choo-choo train, Matchbox cars (Connor has one picked out for each family member), eating pizza, and making him laugh! We especially enjoy asking him "who he loves more"...and him answering Papa no matter who we say! Went to the EAB tree last night and saw all of the "geeeen" (aka green) lights and the skaters!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Want to get into the Christmas mood????

Click on the middle left of the screen to "Baby Grooves" to hear some music for the season! Have to admit I love the Mariah song....and the Smokey song is a favorite from when I was a child....Dad always had music playing along with that awesome light box flashing to the beat of each tune!

*Some of you may remember Christian's "solo" at the wedding to the song "So Many Times" thats on the song list!

Friday, December 19, 2008

23 Week Belly!

Getting into the Christmas Spirit at 23 Weeks!

Wasn't going to post these...but why not!

<--- 20 Weeks!

17 Weeks

15 Weeks

14 Weeks

12 Weeks

Watch the Belly Progression!!!

Snow Day!

So Future Forie and "mom to be" are home today on a snow day!!!!! There was nothing on the ground this morning but its starting to come down now! "We" are feeling bad that "dad to be" had to head out to work this morning and hope they do an early dismissal for him!!!!

*Update! Christian gets out at 1pm today...better than nothing I guess! Its coming down now! Thinking about Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jerry in Florida...are they sipping wine, looking out at the beach and thinking of us snow birds!!!I'm jealous....about the sun AND the wine!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hopefully got the shots.....

Went to the "Madonna Center" today to get another sonogram trying to get all views of the heart. At first the technician said she wouldn't be able to bc the baby was "upside down" and only showing the spine. When she went to look at the baby's heart it was shadowed by bones. So after a little bit of jiggling of the belly and waiting, she started to take some "shots". She said she thinks she got it but I will have to see if my Dr. feels the photos are sufficient enough. They have to get certain shots to confirm that all is "a ok"....but I've been getting good feedback from my Dr and the technicians....its just a formality to get all the shots. If the shots aren't enough for my Dr. I have to go get a fetal cardiogram (I think thats what its called)....So I will probably know in a day or so. Being that I am in my 24th week, they can't really wait to take more pics bc the baby will be less translucent I guess, so it would be hard to "see through" to the heart.

Left there to get some taco bell (my pregnancy comfort food...soooo bad for me.....) and then headed to get a very needed haircut. Have had my natural color for over a year now, and starting to get used to it and like it : ) Not crazy about the greys that love to pop through, but def done with the full blonde...but I know Christian misses it ; )

Wondering if the "Snow Craziness" will hit students are all counting on a snow day for tomorrow!?!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sonogram on Monday!

Went back to the Dr. for another Sonogram on Monday. Mom Forie came with us to see her future "grandbaby"!! We got to see little forie again and check out all of his/her fun features! Nosey-toesies, belly, spine! Heard the heartbeat too : ) This is called the Level II Sonogram, where they measure everything. We had to go back this time bc the baby was not cooperating last time and the technician couldn't see all of the body parts. Turns out, I have to go back tomorrow too bc we still didn't get all of the photos needed. But she says everything looks good, its just a technicality. Its so crazy bc the baby starts to kick and move while she is pressing the belly....the technician said that the baby can't feel the pressure from her sonogram "machine" but when she moves the "wand" around, the fluid in the sac moves, causing the baby to move. So, going tomorrow afternoon to peek at the baby again : )

Did I mention that we got our stroller delivered the other day!!! Its funky and fun and we can't wait to use it!!! Now we have to just start organizing the apt and figure out where all of the "stuff" is going to go....its only the beginning of "stuff", thats for sure!

Also, had a wonderful some christmas shopping done, decorated the tree (our last christmas as "two!), and had dinner with the Forie's, Santoro's and Aunt Meg : ) Ate lots of yummy stuff and hung out. Jill gave Christian and I a little outfit and funky sneakers for Future Forie! Cannot wait to start folding clothes and putting them in the nursery. Sat with everyone and listened to them guess baby names too! Won't say whether or not they actually said the name....but they were trying to figure it out! Really still haven't picked a girl name yet either. Been hearing alot of "you are having a boy bc....or you are having a girl bc...." from people at work...but you never know. I'm around boys all day at work, so I am more inclined to think I'm having a boy. A girl would be a nice break from all of that...but either way, its all good : ) Christian and I keep looking at the sonogram pics and seeing who's features the baby has!

Well...going to eat some more...the baby is moving around and I think its feeding time....AGAIN! May even top off the night with some ice cream...AGAIN!! Can't wait to see everyone next week!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hiking with the baby!

Just got home from a 5.7 mile hike with my class and got an awesome, and safe, work out! The baby must be in shock bc I have been so lazy these past months...feels good to get out and move around : )

Monday, December 1, 2008

Take a peek at Future Forie!

Can you see Future Forie???!!!! Notice the beautiful head, arm and fingers, and belly! The round circle under the arm is the umbilical cord! Went to my "Level II Sonogram" today with Christian and Grandma Santoro! We sat for 30+ minutes and watched little Forie float around and get measured. We saw arms, legs, feet, the spine, the heartbeating, toes, the jaw, the brain....everything! It was totally amazing! Grandma Santoro got to hear the heartbeat too : ) She tried to convince us to find out the sex, and may have even bribed the technician, but it is still a surprise! I was set that I was having a boy (don't know why though, probably bc I can only find a boy name right now!) but am now totally confused and unsure. It doesn't matter though, bc this baby is going to be precious no matter what. Just picturing being in the hospital and holding the baby with Christian, family, and friends around was amazing today. Felt alot of kicking and movement during the test....the little one probably didn't like all of the poking going on! Have to go back in two weeks for a check-up and another sonogram to find certain areas that were hidden today. The technician says everything looks great : ) Hope you can see the baby in the picture.....maybe you can peek and see if its a boy or girl!?!