Thursday, March 19, 2009

I must be more tired....

haven't posted in ages...need to update so much! Getting ready for a nap, but wanted to check in!! I am now in my 37th week! Which means the baby can be considered "full term" soon....they say you can deliver at 38 weeks!!! I had an exam today and found out how the baby is positioned. As I had thought, the feet are by my right ribs with the tush facing my left side. Not alot of action on the left side at all, and the dr. confirmed that the baby is mostly on the right side. Not near any kind of "readiness" to deliver, so there is still time. The "leave replacement" comes in a week to shadow me, so that will be good. Been staying late at work getting things done...feeling more tired and the "cankles" are back! (Too much information...sorry!!) But, I'm managing! Jill and Mom Forie have been hard at work painting fishies and starting the turtle. Dad Santoro is heading over soon to do the last of his piece, the sand castle. Soon after, we will get the furniture in and start organizing clothing. I have NO IDEA what i need and will need!!! Have to organize my "mommy and daddy" bags for the hospital this week. Don't want to wait too long to do this stuff, bc my energy is getting low. Leaving in a bit to visit the hospital and take a tour of the nursery and delivery room!!! Crazy!!! Can't wait to see the babies!!! Thanks for checking is a picture from my shower on March 7th!

Dad to Be 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


need to update!!!!

So many wonderful things that are going on....five weeks to go....have to post pics from the AMAZING SHOWER this weekend.....tired....getting work ready for the replacement....falling behind on updating blog!!! Keep checking back!!! Quick update for the week ahead....finished birthing class yesterday (missed one class last week due to being very sick and stomach flu)....breastfeeding class tomorrow, Fleetwood Mac concert Friday and Ann Marie's shower Saturday....rambling...tired....will check back soon <3